

desc A simple authentication component to check current user role and permissions
date 2021-01-03
version 2.0.0
jar slatekit.common.jar
namespace slatekit.common.auth
artifact com.slatekit:slatekit-common
source folder src/lib/kotlin/slatekit-common/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/common/auth
example src/lib/kotlin/slate-examples/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/examples/Example_Auth.kt
depends on slatekit-results


    // other setup ...
    repositories {
        maven { url  "https://dl.bintray.com/codehelixinc/slatekit" }

    dependencies {
        // other libraries

        // slatekit-common: Utilities for Android or Server
        compile 'com.slatekit:slatekit-common:0.9.35'


// required 
import slatekit.common.auth.AuthConsole
import slatekit.common.auth.User

// optional 
import slatekit.cmds.Command
import slatekit.cmds.CommandRequest
import slatekit.results.Try
import slatekit.results.Success


    // Setup: Setup the Auth wrapper with the user to inspect info about the user
    // NOTES:
    // * 1. This component does NOT handle any actual login/logout/authorization features.
    // * 2. This set of classes are only used to inspect information about a user.
    // * 3. Since authorization is a fairly complex feature with implementations such as
    // *    OAuth, Social Auth, Slate Kit has purposely left out the Authentication to more reliable
    // *    libraries and frameworks.
    // * 4. The SlateKit.Api component, while supporting basic api "Keys" based authentication,
    // *    and a roles based authentication, it leaves the login/logout and actual generating
    // *    of tokens to libraries such as OAuth.
    val user2 = User( "2", "john doe", "john", "doe", "jdoe@gmail.com", "123-456-7890", false, false, true)
    val auth = AuthConsole(isAuthenticated = true, user = user2, roles = "admin")


    // CASE 1: Use the auth to check user info
    println ("Checking auth info in desktop/local mode" )
    println ( "user info         : " + auth.user                   )
    println ( "user id           : " + auth.userId                 )
    println ( "is authenticated  : " + auth.isAuthenticated        )
    println ( "is email verified : " + auth.isEmailVerified        )
    println ( "is phone verified : " + auth.isPhoneVerified        )
    println ( "is a moderator    : " + auth.isInRole( "moderator") )
    println ( "is an admin       : " + auth.isInRole( "admin" )    )