// The Model component allows you to easily build up a model with fields
// This allows you to have a schema / structure representing a data model.
// With the structure in place, it helps facilitate code-generation.
// Also, the ORM / Mapper of Slate Kit internally builds a model for each
// Kotlin class that is mapped by the ORM.
// CASE 1: specify the api of the model e.g. "Resource"
// NOTE: The model is IMMUTABLE ( any additions of fields will result in a new model )
var model = Model("Resource", "slate.ext.resources.Resource")
// CASE 2. add a field for uniqueness / identity
model = model.addId (name = "id", autoIncrement = true, dataType = Long::class)
// CASE 3: add fields for text, bool, int, date etc.
model = model.addText(name = "key" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "api" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "category" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "country" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "region" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "aggRegion" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "aggCategory", isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "links" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "owner" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addText(name = "status" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30)
.addInt (name = "recordState", isRequired = true)
.addObject (name = "hostInfo" , isRequired = true, dataType = Host::class)
.addLocalDate (name = "activated" , isRequired = true )
.addLocalTime (name = "checkTime" , isRequired = true )
.addLocalDateTime(name = "created" , isRequired = true )
.addDateTime(name = "updated" , isRequired = true )
// CASE 3: add fields for text, bool, int, date etc.
model = Model("Resource", "", dataType = User::class, desc = "", tableName = "users", modelFields = listOf(
ModelField(name = "key" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30, dataCls = String::class),
ModelField(name = "api" , isRequired = true, maxLength = 30, dataCls = String::class),
ModelField(name = "recordState", isRequired = true, dataCls = Int::class),
ModelField(name = "hostInfo" , isRequired = true, dataCls = Host::class),
ModelField(name = "created" , isRequired = true, dataCls = DateTime::class),
ModelField(name = "updated" , isRequired = true, dataCls = DateTime::class)
// CASE 4. check for any fields
showResult( "any fields: " + model.any )
// CASE 5. total number of fields
showResult( "total fields: " + model.size )
// CASE 6. get the id field
showResult( "id field: " + model.hasId )
// CASE 7. get the id field
showResult( "id field: " + model.idField )
// CASE 8. string representation of field
showResult( "id field to string: " + model.idField.toString())
// CASE 8. access the fields
showResult ("access to fields : " + model.fields.size)
// CASE 9. get api + full api of model
showResult ("model api/fullName: " + model.name + ", " + model.fullName)
// CASE 10. build up the table sql for this model
showResult( "table sql : " + MySqlBuilder(null).createTable(model))