

desc Serializers for data classes to generate CSV, Props, HOCON, JSON files
date 2021-01-03
version 2.0.0
jar slatekit.common.jar
namespace slatekit.common.serialization
artifact com.slatekit:slatekit-common
source folder src/lib/kotlin/slatekit-common/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/common/serialization
example src/lib/kotlin/slate-examples/src/main/kotlin/slatekit/examples/Example_Serialization.kt
depends on slatekit-results


    // other setup ...
    repositories {
        maven { url  "https://dl.bintray.com/codehelixinc/slatekit" }

    dependencies {
        // other libraries

        // slatekit-common: Utilities for Android or Server
        compile 'com.slatekit:slatekit-common:0.9.35'


// required 
import slatekit.results.Try
import slatekit.results.Success
import slatekit.common.serialization.*

// optional 
import slatekit.cmds.Command
import slatekit.cmds.CommandRequest
import slatekit.examples.common.User


    // Setup some sample data to serialize
    val user1 = User(2, "superman@metro.com", "super", "man", true, 35)
    val user2 = User(3, "batman@gotham.com" , "bat"  , "man", true, 35)
    val users = listOf(user1, user2)


    // The serializers come in very handy during the serialization of
    // entities in the ORM and is used in the CLI and HTTP server.
    // However, they are general purpose and can be used else where.
    // They are :
    // 1. Optimized for data classes
    // 2. Use reflection to get the properties to serialize
    // 3. Support recursion into nested objects
    // 4. Handle lists of type List<*> and maps of basic types Map<*,*>

    // Case 1: Serialize CSV
    val csvSerializer = SerializerCsv()
    val csvData = csvSerializer.serialize(users)
    println("CSV ====================")

    // Case 2: Serialize Properties files
    val propsSerializer = SerializerProps()
    val propsData = propsSerializer.serialize(users)
    println("HCON ====================")

    // Case 3: Serialize JSON
    val jsonSerializer = SerializerJson()
    val jsonData = jsonSerializer.serialize(users)
    println("JSON ====================")



2, "superman@metro.com", "super", "man", true, 35
3, "batman@gotham.com", "bat", "man", true, 35
id = 2
email = superman@metro.com
firstName = super
lastName = man
isMale = true
age = 35

id = 3
email = batman@gotham.com
firstName = bat
lastName = man
isMale = true
age = 35
  {"id" : 2, "email" : "superman@metro.com", "firstName" : "super", "lastName" : "man", "isMale" : true, "age" : 35},
  {"id" : 3, "email" : "batman@gotham.com", "firstName" : "bat", "lastName" : "man", "isMale" : true, "age" : 35}